Tyler, Texas Bullying Lawyer: Protecting Your Rights and Dignity

Bullying is a serious issue that many children and teens face. While anti-bullying laws and programs have been shown to reduce the number of bullying cases, there are still times when your child may encounter it. Taking the right actions at the right time can often help catch bullying early on before it becomes a serious issue. With the help of a Tyler, Texas, bullying lawyer, you can determine whether or not you have a legal case in a bullying matter. While the first step is often to facilitate open discussion, there could be times when you may need to take further action.
How Texas Defines Bullying
There are no federal-level laws that specifically target bullying, which means many states often have their own laws and regulations. Texas Education Code 37.0832 deals with bullying in federally funded schools. It defines bullying as an act or series of acts by a student that would:
- Physically Harm a Student
- Damage a Student’s Property
- Create a Reasonable Fear of Harm
- Create an Intimidating, Threatening, or Abusive Educational Environment
- Disrupt the Educational Process
- Infringe Upon the Rights of a Student
If your child is the victim of bullying, it can have disastrous consequences for their physical health, emotional state, and their education. Catching bullying early on and addressing the issue is crucial to helping students succeed in school and life.
In 2017, an additional anti-bullying law, commonly referred to as David’s Law, was put in place to extend protection in the cyberspace world. After online bullying led a teen to take his own life, legislators worked to include procedures to prevent further online bullying. Cyberbullying can be addressed through the school and education agencies even if the bullying happens off-campus. As long as the bullying negatively affects a student’s learning environment on campus, anti-bullying laws can be applied to help address the issue.
How to Identify Bullying
Victims of bullying don’t always share their experiences or seek help. This can be for many reasons, but it’s often either a fear of retribution from the bully or embarrassment from being bullied. However, there are often signs of bullying that you may notice in your child. Common signs of bullying include:
- Withdrawal from school events or friends
- Spending less/more time on the internet/phone
- Symptoms of anxiety (i.e., stomachaches, headaches, nausea)
- Frequent cutting of class or staying home
- Lowered self-esteem
If you notice behavioral changes in your child, especially in their pre-teen and teen years, it may not be ‘just puberty.’ Many times, a drastic change in a student’s behavior could be a sign of bullying. It’s important that you create an open environment where your child can feel comfortable discussing the issue with you.
How to Address Bullying
If you learn that your child is being bullied, it’s important to notify the school right away. Your school’s code of conduct or handbook each year should have the contact info needed to report bullying. If not, you should start by contacting your child’s school counselor.
Your child may not want to involve the faculty or risk getting in trouble. However, open communication and school intervention are often key to preventing bullying. Texas state laws require public schools to have policies in place to both prevent and respond to bullying. If you feel your school doesn’t adequately follow up with your bullying report, you and your lawyer can file a formal complaint with the school district. In some cases, you can contact the Texas Education Agency or the Office of Civil Rights.
Taking Legal Action
While open communication can solve many cases of bullying, there are times when bullying crosses certain lines. If bullying leads to physical harm or property damage, for example, you may be able to seek compensation. If bullying crosses into harassment based on sex, gender, race, or religion, you may have a federal case on your hands. Working with a Tyler, Texas, bullying lawyer can help you determine which course of action is best in your child’s case.
What if Your Child is the Bully?
Bullying doesn’t always reflect a student’s upbringing. Many outside influences, including their own experience of being bullied, could lead someone to bully another student. If you become aware that your child is bullying another student, it’s important to be calm and understanding. Many cases of bullying are often a reflection of inner turmoil or distress. Seeking the help of a school guidance counselor or mental health professional could help to end bullying. It could also help your child through any emotional problems.
Get Help from a Tyler, Texas Bullying Lawyer Today
If your child is the victim of bullying, quick and decisive action is key. Contacting your school is often the first step, but even that can be tricky. At Hager Law, you can find a trained and experienced Tyler, Texas, bullying lawyer who can help with your child’s case. Call our office today at (903) 466-0001 or send an email to info@hagerlawtx.com to schedule a consultation.