
We all want to care for ourselves, but sometimes that’s not possible. Physical limitations or diminished mental capacity can prevent some adults from providing the essentials for themselves—like food, clothing, and shelter. In these cases, guardianship may be necessary to ensure that someone trustworthy steps in to manage their care and finances. At Hager Law, we don’t shy away from the tough decisions. We know when to fight for your loved ones, and we’ll help you navigate guardianship with confidence and compassion.

Guardianship grants a trusted person the legal right to make decisions for someone who cannot care for themselves. This may involve handling financial matters, organizing medical treatment, and making other critical life decisions on their behalf. Guardianship is a significant responsibility and often a last resort when other options have failed. When it’s time to protect someone you care about, we are ready to stand by your side and ensure that the rights of both guardian and ward are fully respected.

It’s also essential to understand that guardianship is different from conservatorship. Guardianship involves caring for an adult, while conservatorship refers to the legal custody of a minor.

Most guardians are close family members of the individual in need of care. When a judge determines that guardianship is necessary, the preferences of the person requiring care (the ward) are considered when possible. If no family members are available, the court may appoint a private professional guardian. At Hager Law, we’ll fight to make sure that the best possible guardian is selected to ensure your loved one’s well-being.

An estate attorney can help you get your affairs in order

Establishing guardianship requires submitting an application to the appropriate court and attending a formal hearing. This process varies by county, and having an experienced legal advocate on your side can make all the difference. If guardianship is contested or if the ward believes they don’t need assistance, things can get complicated. Our attorneys understand Texas guardianship laws inside and out, and we won’t hesitate to fight for the best outcome for your family.

Even after guardianship is established, the court regularly reviews the arrangement to ensure it remains necessary and beneficial. Wards have the right to petition the court to modify or end their guardianship if circumstances change. At Hager Law, we stand ready to fight for any needed adjustments, whether you are seeking to establish guardianship, modify it, or restore legal capacity to the ward.

Alternatives to Guardianship

Guardianship is a serious legal action that removes a great deal of freedom from the ward, and it’s not always the best solution. We believe in exploring all options before making such a life-altering decision. At Hager Law, we are committed to protecting your loved ones while respecting their independence. We offer alternative solutions when possible, including:

child custody

Sometimes, your loved one may only need help making informed decisions rather than full guardianship. Supported decision-making allows them to retain control over their life while receiving guidance from a trusted supporter. We’ll help you explore whether this informal alternative is the right choice, providing support without taking away your loved one’s autonomy.

In situations where your loved one is capable of handling most aspects of their life but needs help in specific areas—like medical or financial decisions—granting durable power of attorney may be a more appropriate solution than full guardianship. This option is less restrictive and allows your loved one to dictate which aspects of their life require assistance. We’ll help you put the right protections in place while giving them the freedom they deserve.

Why Choose Hager Law for Guardianship Cases?

Guardianship is a serious responsibility that must be handled with care. If your loved one is struggling to care for themselves, it may be time to step in—but that doesn’t mean guardianship is always the right path. At Hager Law, we believe in finding the best solution for everyone involved, and we’re not afraid to fight for what’s right when needed. We’ll sit down with you, discuss the specifics of your situation, and help you decide the best way to protect your loved one—whether through guardianship or a less restrictive option.

Contact Us Today

If someone you love needs help and you’re considering guardianship, don’t wait. Reach out to Hager Law today at (903) 466-0001 to schedule a consultation. We’ll guide you through the process and ensure that you and your loved one are fully supported every step of the way.