Welcome to Hager Law

If you need a family law attorney, then you don’t want a stereotypical lawyer. You want someone who will get to know your needs, work alongside you, and always put your children’s best interests above everything else. Sarina D. Hager is just that attorney.

Sarina is a family law attorney who has been licensed to practice law for nearly 30 years. She’s a detail-oriented attorney who proudly serves the Tyler, TX community. In addition to family law, Sarina also practices estate law and school law. In all her services, Sarina puts her clients first and provides the compassion and attention to detail that they deserve from an attorney.


Your Children Are Worth the Fight 

Sarina focuses primarily on family law, including adoption, child custody disputes, CPS investigations, divorce, grandparent access cases, as well as modification and enforcement actions.  

When these disputes involve children, Sarina firmly believes that protecting them both physically and emotionally from the impact of family crisis is the most important aspect of her work.  When this can be done peacefully, Sarina seeks creative ways to make child custody arrangements fit the unique needs of families.  However, when a  child’s well-being is in jeopardy, Sarina fights for their protection as if they were her own.  She consistently puts the children first, knowing that these children are worth the time and effort it takes to find the best possible situation for them–whether through peaceful settlement or aggressive litigation.

Sarina believes in fighting for the strength of families long-term, knowing that after the dust of litigation settles, families might look different; but families must endure and relationships must heal for everyone’s sake.  

Walking the Walk

More than just an attorney, Sarina has been married to her husband, Fritz, for 30 years, is the mother of six children, and has even been a foster parent. She’s spent over two decades as an advocate of children and families through her leadership in children’s ministry at her church, as well as PTAs, booster clubs, and Tyler ISD’s School Health Advisory Committee.  Her greatest shaping influence, however, is her faith in Christ.  She understands her service in this field of law is a ministry and a responsibility entrusted to her by the Lord.     

These experiences shape Sarina’s approach to family law. Sarina works differently from many attorneys because she genuinely cares about children and families, and she has the life experience that inspires that passion.

In every part of Sarina’s life, the common denominator is child advocacy. It’s the DNA of everything she does. 

A Season for Everything: Holistic and Compassionate Representation

Sarina Hager takes a balanced approach to family law. There’s a time for fighting and a time for peace, a time for litigation and a time for settlement.  Shepherding people through these seasons requires a knowledge of the law, but also wisdom and compassion that seeks resolution and, ultimately, restoration.

Sarina stands out from other attorneys because she understands how conflict and litigation impacts families both short-term and long-term.  Sometimes, the first step toward resolution involves fighting for your marriage through counseling before fighting for divorce.  At other times, it involves aggressive legal action to protect the vulnerable from harm.  The olive branch pictured in Hager Law logo is a symbol of the reality that at some point the fighting has to stop.  And to that end, Sarina will fight for resolution, whether that means a restored marriage, termination of parental rights, or a customized visitation schedule. 

Not every case has a one-size-fits-all solution, especially when it comes to children and families. That’s why Sarina Hager takes a balanced approach to family law. There’s a time for fighting and a time for peace, a time for settlement and a time for litigation. Sarina pursues peace but is also willing to fight for justice, in whatever form that justice takes.

Sarina stands out from other attorneys because she sees the big picture. Sometimes, the big picture includes marriage counseling. At other times, it involves a divorce and a child custody arrangement. Sarina’s law office is an olive branch. She will fight for reconciliation, whether that reconciliation looks like a restored marriage or a specific visitation and custody schedule. Peace can take a lot of forms, and Sarina does everything in her power to make peace possible.

Having Representation vs. Having an Advocate

There’s a big difference between having representation and having an advocate. When you only have representation, you are only seen as “a case.” When you have an advocate, you are seen as “a person.”  Sarina Hager strives to be an advocate for every person she represents–caring for them, fighting for them, and praying for them with strength, wisdom, and love.   

Some attorneys prefer scorched-earth litigation that wrecks people emotionally and financially. Sarina prefers wise litigation that safeguards emotional and financial resources.  This takes time, experience, intelligence, and heart.  Sarina is committed to all of these things and will work with you to carefully consider the best legal approach to meet your family’s needs.

There’s a big difference between having representation and having an advocate. When you only have representation, then your attorney sees you as just another case. Sarina Hager makes sure that her clients have an advocate. She sees her clients as people who deserve a strong and reliable supporter.

Some attorneys are all about scorched-earth litigation. Sarina is all about compassion. She takes the time to work with her clients, go over their cases, and take the best approach forward.

For Sarina, working with her clients truly means working with her clients. Some attorneys don’t meet their clients face-to-face for the first time until they see them on the front steps of the courthouse. Until that moment, clients only meet with paralegals. It doesn’t work that way with Sarina. She meets her clients personally and continues to do so until the end of the case.

Sarina genuinely cares about her clients and the difficult situations that they go through. She makes sure that her clients feel heard and understood. At the same time, Sarina is honest with her clients and doesn’t pull any punches. She remains an advocate on every level.

Contact Hager Law for consultation

Contact Hager Law at (903)466-0001 to get a consultation with a qualified and experienced Texas Attorney.

Hager Law Also Specializes in DWI

Mistakes Happen

And Hager Law is here to help. A DWI (driving while intoxicated) charge can be a difficult situation that leaves many in a tight spot. Dealing with fines, traffic tickets, and license points or suspension isn’t something you should have to face on your own. At Hager Law, we understand that mistakes happen and that one DWI charge shouldn’t define your future as a driver.

With our help, drivers facing DWI charges can navigate court and DMV procedures with speed and ease. We know how the system works, and we can get your case processed quickly so you can get back to living your life. There’s a lot of uncertainty that can arise when you get a ticket of any kind, and we can help fill in the gaps in your knowledge so you can confidently move forward with your case. From representing you in court to helping you complete the steps necessary to get your license reinstated and maintained, Hager Law has you covered in any DWI case.

An Attorney Who Knows Tyler 

If you have a legal case in Tyler, then you’ll want an attorney who knows and understands Tyler. That attorney is Sarina Hager. In addition to having decades of legal experience, Sarina and her family have long ties to Tyler. She has loved and served the Tyler community both inside and outside the courthouse, and her husband Fritz has served as a local pastor and elected official.  Understanding the political, religious, social, and business environment that influences our local judicial system and its servant leaders gives Sarina a unique perspective to help predict likely outcomes for her clients and move toward resolution.   

Not Just a 9 to 5 Lawyer 

Family law isn’t always 9 to 5, because families don’t go off the clock. That’s why it’s important to have an attorney you can reach, even on the weekends. If your attorney is largely unavailable, then you won’t get the understanding and help that you deserve. Sarina Hager is more than a Monday-Thursday lawyer. Hager Law phones are answered by real people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Schedule Your Consultation Now 

When you need legal representation, you need someone who will examine your case from every angle. You need an attorney who keeps an eye on the big picture and always puts family first. If you’re looking for legal advice, schedule your consultation with Hager Law now. Sarina will take the time to get to know you and help you understand your options.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Mt 5:9

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:… a time to keep
silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecc 3:1,7-8

We serve all of these counties

What our clients say

I do not even know where to begin when it come to!! SHE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Her heart and soul is so dedicated to get down to the bottom of any problem that pops up!! She was born to do this career & I would be in total loss if I didn’t find her!!! She pushes me to keep going when I couldn’t find the strength!! She never gave up on me , which made me never give up on my self!! I love here momma pep talks!! They are so inspirational to me!! She really does speak from the heart
I can never thank you enough for all that you have done and all that we still have left to do!! I appreciate you more than words could ever begin to explain!!!!
If you are considering an attorney, with out a doubt chooses Sarina!! I can promise she will not fail you!!!
She’s in it for the long run & won’t stop until she gets the problem fixed.

-Destiney Ealy

I absolutely recommend Sarina Hager! She has been the best to work with, she is amazing at her job and not only do you get a lawyer but you get a friend who cares and checks in.

-Kendale Barker

Sarina has been a BLESSING to my family. She is a wonderful attorney who has handled my case with compassion and fought fiercely to ensure my son’s safety. Sarina truly cares about her clients and what they are going through. She has always thought of what’s best for my son before we take any actions. Her knowledge and experience in family law makes a huge difference, she knows when to compromise and when it’s not an option. Because of her dedication and passion in advocating for children, my son is protected. I can’t express enough how amazing of a person she is. Sarina was there to comfort me and help me be strong in a heartbreaking situation. She has been our saving grace in a very difficult time. I feel confident and ready to take on anything with her in my corner!!

I highly recommend Sarina Hager and Hager Law!!! They have truly made a difference in our lives!!

-Stacey Delana

I feel so blessed to have had Sarina work on my divorce case. She did beyond an amazing job! She took the time to stop and explain every single thing that was thrown at me. I’m forever grateful for her. I will always want her on my side!

-Allikator Cevens

Sarina Hager has been an exemplary attorney and advocate for us and our son when going through custody court. She maintains a professional yet compassionate demeanor and will work long hours to prepare for court. She exceeded our expectations when we were unexpectedly taken back to court for a custody modification suit. A suit in which we ended up going from a 50/50 order and with her help we ended up with primary custody and serving the best interest of our son!

-Mark Davis

I recently went through a divorce and we chose to hire Sarina as our attorney. She actually just represented me but my ex-husband and I had pretty well agreed on everything upfront so Sarina was kind enough to meet with both of us each time. Sarina was so sweet and caring and made the process as painless as possible. Everything was done in a timely manner and she was very detail-oriented, addressing each one of our needs. We really appreciated her kindness, professionalism, and advice. Divorce is so difficult, no matter the circumstance and I’m so glad that I chose Sarina to represent me during this time as it was a perfect fit.

-Kelly Brooks

I hired Sarina very quickly after an unexpected custody modification. I was terrified and worried and Sarina was so understanding. She fit me in to have an appointment and then worked non-stop to help me through a very scary process. She advocated strongly for me and my children. She always had their best interest at heart and always reassured me when I had my moments of fear and doubt. She was responsive and would even email me on weekends or after hours as needed. She is very detail oriented and helped me catch little details in our orders to protect me and my children from future litigation. She advocated for me very well in mediation and helped me to understand the ins and outs of my custody orders so I could continue to protect myself and my children. She was well prepared and kept a case file with her when we were in mediation. I would absolutely recommend others in the situation I was in to contact Sarina. She helped me through a very painful and scary time in my life with compassion and understanding and she fought for me and my children with dignity.


If you want a smart, kind, driven, and wise attorney then search no further. Sarina Hagar was a huge blessing for our family. Her faith in the Lord was evident in how she treated us and our son. She handled our case as if it was the only one she had. She made us feel like a priority and was always prepared. She has excellent court decorum and made sure her voice was heard. We were confident that whatever decision she made was not taken lightly and had been prayed over. Our situation was extremely difficult and had lots of challenges. Sarina was there and helped guide us through the hardest season of our lives. We will always be grateful for the role Sarina played in our case. I would highly recommend Sarina.

-Andrew & Heather DeVille